Monday, January 28, 2008

oh my... a joke!

Why does Ariel were sea shells?
Hmmmm........ Comment and check back to see the answer


OH MY GOODNESS! I dont know what happened but I totally forgot all about my blog... Silly me. Well nothing really exciting has happened in my life lately. I got straight across bangs and I love them. My boyfriend broke up with me (why i had one in the first place i do not know and dont understand why i was stupid enough to do it). I have had some recent fights with my friends but that is just another day in my dramatic junior high life. I spend most of my days going to dance, going to play practice, or being bored. I usually spend my school nights watching sports, or political shows with my papa. So that is now my life. I like it and it gets better everyday!

Friday, December 14, 2007

Dance Company

As all of you know, I LOVE to dance. Well I figured that I would go to high school and join the dance company. Well it turns out that my new school, Salem Hills High School, is not going to have one. They will only have the drill team (EWWW!!!) and cheer leading. Me and others are very upset and we are trying to think of ways for us to be able to have the dance company. We are thinking of going around to different companies and getting sponsors. If you have any suggestions for me that would help in anyway, I would love to hear them! Thank you!!

Wednesday, December 12, 2007


Do you ever have those days when you just want to lay in bed and fall asleep at like 5 or 6 at night? Well I have those days about once or twice a week. I don't always get that privilege but i did last night. It was LOVELY! I fell asleep at 6:45-ish p.m. and woke up at 6:00 a.m. That is a good 11 hours of sleep! I don't know what it is, but when I lay down in my bed and read a good book, I usually fall asleep and FAST! I love sleep. Who doesn't?

Saturday, December 8, 2007


Hi. This is Lauren just reporting that my play "The Foreigner" is now over! PRAISE THE HEAVENS ABOVE! I would like to thank you all for all the support that you have showed me through out all the drama productions I have done. It means so much the me to have the family support that I do. I love you all and I will never be able to express how much you mean to me. Thank you a ba-jillion times over again! :)

Sunday, November 18, 2007


A-- Attached or single? Um.... single! I'm only fifteen.
B-- Best friend? Well I have four: Ashley Maw, Trisha Christensen, Melanie Phillips and Josh Chisholm
C-- Cake or pie? I would have to say pie... There is so much flavor! :)
D-- Day of Choice? Friday! I only have play practice that day.
E-- Essential item? My phone or my iPod... yes, I know I'm spoiled.
F-- Favorite color? Blood Red! It is SO pretty.
G-- Gummy bears or Gummy worms? Gummy bears! They just look so cute and happy!
H-- Hometown? Provo, Utah
I-- Favorite indulgences? I would have to say, Great Wall of Chocolate.
J-- January or July? JULY! Duh. My birthday is in that month!
K-- Kids? None... as far as I know.
L-- Life is incomplete with out...? My phone.
M-- Marriage Date? Don't have one! LUCKILY!
N-- Numbers of brothers and sisters? Including brothers-in-law... Three brothers and five sisters.
O-- Oranges or apples? Figi Apples
P-- Phobias or fears? People chasing me.
Q-- Quote? "All the worlds a stage and the men and women merely players in it." William Shakespeare. Yes i know I'm a drama nerd.
R-- Reason to smile? Seeing friends from Provo.
S-- Season of Choice? Spring. Rain, flowers and pretty colors.
T-- Tag someone? Well... all the people I know that have a blog have already been tagged so.... don't have any.
U-- Unknown fact about me? I have a third eye!
V-- Vegetable? Jicama! SO GOOD!
X-- X-ray or Ultrasound? Well I guess X-ray. I have only had one though.
Y-- Your favorite food? I love food so much that I can't decide on just one food!
Z-- Zodiac sign? Leo.

Saturday, November 17, 2007


Well this is a brutal thing to do to someone who just started her blog. Thanks mal. Thanks a bundle. I dont know quite what I am doing, so just bear with me... Here goes.

1) I am deathly afraid of someone chasing me. I dont know why or how this came about, but I can NOT stand it when people chase me. Even if it is a family member or a friend, I will scream bloody murder if someone runs after me. That is why I always run up the stairs. I am afraid that there is a ghost or a snake chasing me... Nerdy i know.

2) I can not stand eating white foods. I don't know exactly why but it just doesn't seem right to eat that is white. Thats one of the reasons why I don't eat: school's mash potatoes, sour cream, some Alfredo sauce, swiss cheese and mayo.

3) I LOVE greek mythology and learning about all of the different gods and their powers. I like all the stories and the lessons they teach and the things they explain. For example, we have thunderstorms because Zeus gets angry and throws his lightning bolts.

4) I love the go to school. It isn't necessarily because of the classes, but more that I get to be with all of my friends. I do love some subjects thought. Like English, drama, and sometimes math. I love going to school because i get to see my friends that dont live in my ward and I'm not cooped up in the house....

5) I LOATHE vacuuming. I can not stand it. And it just so happens that one of my things I do to pay my mother back for borrowing money is just that, vacuuming. Luckily we also have little Roda to make my troubles just a little easier.... :)

6) One of my pet peeves is when people say "I seen it" instead of "I saw it". And of course i moved to payson where practically EVERYONE says "I seen it". Its a nightmare and I am constantly trying to correct my friends but now they do it just to get one my nerves... and it works!

7) I love the color of blood! It is such a majestic, deep red that catches my eye. I hate that it comes out of my body, but the color is GORGEOUS!